Monday, January 6, 2014

Do less...Be more

So I'm like everyone else, I've made my New Years resolutions for 2014. This year though I really put time and prayer into it.
2013 was a BUSY year. We did a lot of traveling as a little family. We had our annual Gospel cruise that we host in January, our concert tour in February to Florida of course included a trip to Disney World with our 3 year old and 9 month old ( at the time) and 2..yes 2 work trips to Vegas with my husband. In the middle of all of those we went back and forth to Iowa where my husbands father was battling brain cancer. We sadly said goodbye to him in August. In addition to all the travel, there was just every day life. Running a small business, concert tours , serving at our home church all while trying to be a decent Wife, Mom, housekeeper, daughter and friend.

If I'm honest I'm pretty sure I haven't been doing a great job at any of them. For months I've been hearing that little inner voice saying "Something has got to give". The problem is I enjoy and love everything I do. I don't know what to give up. So instead of trying to figure out what those things are, after much prayer I felt like my 2014 theme would simply be "Do less...Be more".
I'm convinced that Satan uses busyness to distract us from hearing God's voice each day.

So just because I CAN doesn't mean I SHOULD and just because I'm asked does NOT mean I say YES.
And for me especially.....just because it's FUN doesn't mean I do it. ( that ones makes me a little sad)

Now let me tell you I was challenged with this no joke on January 1st. I got a text from a very important person asking me to be part of an exciting event that weekend. Yes a great opportunity but it would mean me preparing for the event for a couple days, me stressing about it, Moving clients around and Leaving my husband with our kids for 2 days. None of those things are bad or out of the ordinary for us but I had to be realistic about how it would effect us for the next week or so. And the fact that I needed to follow my resolution.
So I said "NO Thank you it just doesn't work for me this time". Ugh!!! That was not easy for me let me tell you.  

It's going to be a every day, baby steps process for me this year. But I look forward to being MORE to my family and friends.
What might God be asking you to do less or more of in 2014?

Even the youth shall faint and be weary, And the young men shall utterly fall, But those who WAIT on the LORD Shall RENEW their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.
ISAIAH 40:30-31