Thursday, May 1, 2014

What I wish the Church knew about Mothers Day

This morning my thoughts go back to Mothers Day 6 years ago. It was the saddest time of my life. Bryce and I had lost our first baby and had watched that expected due date pass by (May 2nd). I was on tour, lonely and heart broken. I watched the Pastor honor the mothers in the crowd that morning and felt like my heart was being ripped out. Then only by God's Grace was I able to get up and share His word through song. And let me tell you.... I did not want to!  Later that day my sweet mom gave me a card that stated what a great Mother I was and a package that contained this baby yard angel. From that day on I stood on Gods promises to give us a child. I planted this Japanese maple tree in honor of our little one. I'd like to say the road was easy after that but we faced another lose a few short weeks later. But I look at my 2 healthy Children today and I'm reminded of His faithfulness through it all.

 But I have to be honest I don't look forward to Mothers Day each year. Maybe because It reminds me of that day But mostly it's because all I can think of is how many women are feeling left out and heart broken when it rolls around each year. So my prayer is that as the church honors mothers on that day we don't forget to look around for those that may be hurting. Maybe it's the woman walking through the uncertainty of  infertility. The Woman mourning the child she prayed for but had to say goodbye due to miscarriage or infant lose. Or the single Woman waiting on God as her heart desires to be a mother one day.  Or maybe it's a Woman who has lost their mom and sure misses her presence on this special day. Seek out these woman this Mothers Day and LOVE on them! Take them shopping, for coffee, out to dinner or just sit and cry (or laugh) with them. 

And if you are one of these women I'm speaking up it's ok to be sad that day. But don't let the enemy steal your joy or your purpose. You still have work to do..... So many people out there need "Mothering". Be that influence in some ones life. Ask God to show you what that looks like for you and who you can reach out to. You never know what God may due through you between now and next Mothers Day.


Anonymous said...

Misty,Ty I am one of those people waiting on God to send the right guy for me.I am lucky I still have my mom and she has raised me in church and she told me to wait on the Lord and he will send the right man if its meant for me to get married.I love your blog and your family has truly been a blessing to my families life and mine.I love you all.(Sometimes when my mom can't come on Mother's day to church I cry... but sometimes I cry just because I wonder is it ever going to me my turn to get married and have kids.)

Unknown said...

Misti....This is awesome! Thank you for sharing your heart and putting this out here to encourage us to love and reach out to other 'Moms!' This will be a greater way to get through Mother's Day! Love and Prays for you always!